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2022-04-16 nSoft protects your business data with Baltneta

One of our core values is to ensure the highest standards of service quality to our customers. That is why our team works our 24/7 ready to meet your needs. But to make sure that all hardware and information is secure and protected, we entrusted out servers to Baltneta company. sskisveren.com This is no. 1 […]


2022-04-16 “Terasa Vasara Palanga” and “Exit vasaros rezidencija” in Palanga started using nPoint

Every summer largest cities in Lithuania stays empty. On hot summer days, nobody is asking where is everybody. Everyone knows that Lithuanians are going to the seaside! Probably the grooviest places in Palanga “Terasa Vasara Palanga” and “Exit vasaros rezidencija” has already opened their season and both are using our restaurant management system nPoint. One […]

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2022-04-16 nSoft Summer Day 2017

For Summer Day 2017 nSoft team decided to visit Dzūkija – land of forests and gorgeous lakes. As we are always up to a new adventure, our Summer day events started with Wake board park activities – wake boarding, supping and nice chill on the sparkling green lake. After some splashing and swimming our team […]

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