


2022-04-16 Solarium management is easy with nPoint!

If your gym still do not have an “artificial sun”, but you are already considering solarium zone service as a special bonus much appreciated by your customers, do not miss the opportunity to to make it happen with with nPoint! As nPoint has been developed in collaboration with professionals from different areas, itinclude a wide […]


2022-04-16 nSale – self-service terminal to sell membership 24/7!

When arriving at your gym, customers expect only the best quality service: competent coaches and high-quality sports equipment. Although your staff is one of the most important factors why clients choose your services, not all tasks are created equal and some can be done by a simple but intelligent machine. Customers entrance and membership validation […]

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2022-04-16 New arrivals: brand new turnstile for nSoft clients

New technologies always bring new challenges. Access management devices can no longer be only useful, they also has to come with the best design and highest security possible. That is why our clients can now choose from even wider variety turnstiles and access gates equipped with latest technologies and best designs. Some of which are: […]

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